Goodbye 2018 & Hello 2019! This is the year to reinvent your business and capitalize on e-commerce! Brick & Mortar is not dead it’s just evolving, which means to survive you have to evolve! |
Just look at Amazon they bought wholefoods. And let’s learn from Sears- from catalog to catastrophe- what went wrong? |
Here’s what I do know, customer behavior has shifted, permanently. It’s all about convenience. So your brand needs to win the loyalty of customers by thinking convenience, consistency and community. That’s right the Internet Chip over the Shopping Trip. Most customers go online as it takes less than 3 minutes to order. But don’t be fooled, while it’s about what the consumer needs, it’s also about connection. And this is where your brand needs to survive. It’s the Human Micro Chip Touch.. and no package should be without it. This is your opportunity to show you care and create community branding. |
I was recently sent as a gift Copper Pans, an amazing product, beautifully made and incredible to cook with. BUT, it missed the community branding. There was no flyer in there, that showed they cared, no promotion of their other line of products, hence losing the reorders and potential sales and branding. Now when I ordered from, not only did they make it super easy, they send me a letter thanking me for trusting them with their photo. They added “we can’t wait to transform your next photo into a special gift for you or someone you love”. They even added “stay in touch”. I felt the love and this is exactly what I am talking about. |
The other important branding component is video. When a consumer has to make a decision on line and they see the actual product with video, it does two things: 1. Knowledge of the exact product they are ordering 2. Avoids costly returns. Add an amazing memorable demo- and hey you’ve got yourself a client! Just add some love and watch your brand take off! |
So don’t despair, retail is alive, you just need to offer the right conditions and create an online community between your brand and your customer. The internet is your candy store- to target EVERYONE. All you need is to add a little TLC to your online marketing and we are here to help you! |